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Hillary on the Lam from Pardongate Heat

Published: 1/26/01 Author: Carl Limbacher

Scandal scarred Senator Hillary Clinton was reported to be hiding out in her Chappaqua, N.Y. mansion on Friday, cancelling all public appearances including one with new daddy Jesse Jackson -- as outrage grew over charges she conspired to sell presidential pardons for campaign cash.

The New York Post reports that Clinton has cancelled all public appearances for the day, including her address to Jackson's Rainbow/PUSH Coalition's Wall Street Project announced only yesterday.

Clinton also will pass up previously scheduled meetings with two top New York City Democrats, Public Advocate Mark Green and Comptroller Alan Hevesi.

New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani saved the new senator the trouble of cancelling his meeting with her. He did that himself late Thursday, saying he was outraged over the Clinton pardon of Marc Rich, the tax dodging fugitive that Giuliani had indicted in 1983 when the mayor was U.S. Attorney for New York's Southern District.

Rich's ex-wife Denise has donated over $1 million to the Clintons and other Democrats since 1993.

"I'm very upset about this," Giuliani told reporters yesterday. "I think what the president did is an absolute outrage."

Mrs. Clinton may be able to dodge Pardongate questions for now, but both Clintons could wind up trying to explain the cash for clemency scandal to Congress before too long.

Yesterday House Government Reform and Oversight Committee chief Dan Burton launched a preliminary investigation, saying, "When a pardon appears questionable on the merits, the American people have a right to know why the president made his decision so that the constitutional power to grant pardons will not be abused in the future."

HENCH adds: America, get ready. In four years, President Hillary will be doing the pardoning.

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