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The New York Post
Published: 2-08-01 Author: Vincent Morris

WASHINGTON - In an echo of the past - or maybe a hedge against the future - Sen. Hillary Clinton has quietly taken steps to keep her legal defense fund-raising options open. The Post has learned that Clinton petitioned the Senate to keep the Clinton Legal Expense Trust open for business. Most of the former first couple's legal expenses were to defend then-President Bill Clinton during the Sexgate battles.

Registering the fund with the secretary of the Senate means the Clintons can keep raising money to pay off lawyers.

Clinton spokeswoman Karen Dunn had no comment except to say Sen. Clinton considered it "most appropriate" to register the fund in the Senate.

The senator did speak yesterday about her national political action committee - HILLPAC - which she said is a way of helping "friends" and will be duplicated with a New York-focused PAC.

No fund-raisers are slated, but Clinton vowed to raise and spend money all over America and New York to help "Democrats regain the majority in the House and Senate."

"There are many friends I've made over 30 years around the country," explained Clinton, whose political adviser, Harold Ickes, is helping her with the money-raising effort.

She wants to help "colleagues of mine here in the Senate who have helped me and are strong supporters of the agenda that I think was good for the country for the last eight years," Clinton said in her first formal interview since her Jan. 3 swearing in.

The senator also rejected complaints that speeches by her husband may be a conflict of interest.

"I think Elizabeth Dole gave speeches for pay while Senator [Bob] Dole served. I read that Lynne Cheney intends to serve on corporate boards while her husband serves as vice president," Clinton countered.

HENCH adds: Anyone surprised? No, I didn't think so. It's ALMOST not news, because although it's absolutely corrupt and shameless, the Clintons do it every day. HILLPAC? Please, it won't amount to anything except a hill of beans, and a bunch of cash in her pocket.

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