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Source: Globe Magazine
Published: May 29, 2001 Issue Author: Steve Herz

Hillary Clinton has slapped hubby Bill with a list of divorce demands and is threatening to reveal his secret celebrity love-mates unless he quickly gives in and ends their marriage, GLOBE has learned.

"Make no mistake about it-Hillary is fed up with Bill,"reveals one insider.

"Their marriage ended a long time ago. Now, it's just a question of going through the legal paperwork."But the former first lady is sick and tired of her husband's foot dragging, and she's ready to spill some embarrasing beans about Bill's Tinseltown dalliances.

"Hillary wants their marriage over with NOW-------and she's taking off the gloves!"confides the insider.

"She flat-out delivered an ultimatum to Bill: 'Give me what I want or I'll make sure the world learns all about your little celebrity girlfriends'"

Hillary believes "she's got Bill right where she wants him," another insider adds, "and she's making all kinds of demands."

First, she wants him to keep his hands off her money. Hillary received an $8 million advance to writer her memoirs.

:"She doesn't want to see Bill's fingerprints on one penny of it," the insider says. "She wants it all."

And a source reveals, "Hillary is also selling TV rights to her book for a movie of the week-and she's warned Bill that he is NOT selling TV or movie rights about his or her private life-ever!"

Second, Hillary wants their homes. She's telling Bill that he will pay a third of the cost of their houses in Chappaqua, N.Y., and Washington, but that he can move to L.A.

"She doesn't want him living anywhere near her," confides the insider.

"Hillary told him she doesn't want to bump into him as he flits from McDonald's to the golf course-or even while out walking the dog,"

Most important, Hillary is demanding that Bill never makes their beloved daughter Chelsea cry again.

The former first daughter, "cried her eyes out over the Monica Lewinsky mess," a source reveals, "Her father had repeatedly told her-like he did the rest of the nation-that he never had sex with Monica. He told her how much he loved her mother and would never do anything to hurt her. But finally he had to break the news that he had been lying all along. Poor Chelsea couldn't stop crying for days."

Hillary also wants Bill to "be discreet" about his womanizing around Chelsea after their divorce,"says the insider.

"He has to come alone to birthday parties or even her wedding. He can't throw his love life in his daughter's face."

Another source adds, "Hillary also wants Bill to avoid contact with young women. She believes any future romance with a girl in her 20's will dig up memories of the Monica Lewinsky scandal. She wants him to date women age 40 and older. She told him, 'For God's sake, find someone your own age.'

Coupled with that demand is Hillary's wish that Bill father no more children. She doesn't want another little Clinton to affect Chelsea's life and inheritance. She told him, 'Get a snip,' which means a vasectomy."

Finally, now that she is a senator from New York, Hillary wants Bill to stay out of the public eye and live according to HER rules.

"She wants him to fade away like most other former presidents, and not to be around to further damage her reputation," an insider notes."No more Bill. No more Bill scandals."

Hillary is calling for her soon-to-be-ex to stay off TV for the next five years.

"Obviously, he can't control the news, but she doesn't want to see him on Meet the Press or Face the Nation,"says the source.

"She also insists that Bill not bee seen in public with his bad-boy brother Roger.

"She told him that Roger is bad news and anything they do together will affect her AND Chelsea. She warned him, "Stay away from Roger.'"

Bill, 54, made a last-ditch effort to repair his marriage in April, when he vacationed with Hillary, 53, in the Dominican Republic.

"But that failed miserably," reveals the insider.

"It just reinforced Hillary's determination to get out of the marriage.

"She believes he is doing everything he can to delay her filing for divorce. He doesn't want the embarrassment or the hassle. But Hillary is dead serious about this.

"She feels that Bill has nearly destroyed her public career in the Senate before she's even had a chance to start. Hillary's done with the humiliation of being married to him.

"She wants this marriage over-fast and painlessly. And if she's made to suffer, she vowing to make Bill suffer even more.

"She doesn't want to be tainted by him any more-plain and simple. And that means he has to stay out of public life. No high-profile position. No politics. Nothing!

"Hillary told me, 'This divorce is going to happen and it's going to happen my way. And if Bill doesn't like it-too damn bad! He can go running back to all his Hollywood grilfriends, who had also better watch themselves. Bill keeps delaying and delaying. But I promise you there will be no more delays."

HENCH adds: Sorry, forgot the BARF ALERT!


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