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Hillary Accuser Takes Charges to Bush Justice Officials, ABC News

Source: Newsmax 7/9/01
Author: Carl Limbacher

Lawyers for Clinton accuser, Hollywood mogul Peter Paul, have taken his case directly to officials at the Bush Justice Department after Clinton appointed U.S. attorneys in several jurisdictions ignored his allegations.

And in a development that could put the case on the national media radar screen, ABC News "20/20" is readying an investigative report on Mr. Paul's claims set for broadcast later this week.

"When we first learned about (Mr. Paul's charges) we went to the U.S. Attorney's office in the Eastern District of New York, the U.S. Attorney's office in New Jersey and the U.S. Attorney's office in California -- areas that had jurisdiction over various things that happened," Judicial Watch's Russ Verney told WABC Radio's John Batchelor and Paul Alexander late Sunday.

Judicial Watch is representing Paul in a multi-million dollar lawsuit against the former first family, which was filed in California state court late last month.

But, said Verney, instead of investigating charges that the Clintons failed to report $2 million Paul spent to produce an August 2000 Hollywood gala fund-raiser for Mrs. Clinton's senate bid, government lawyers indicted Paul on securities violations.

"When we brought this issue of the illegal campaign financing to the U.S. Attorney's office, that's when they came up with, instead of investigating the campaign finance, they conjured up this, what I believe is a specious charge about securities violations," said Verney.

The Clinton appointees focused exclusively on allegations against Paul, said Verney, "and that's all they would talk about ever since then."

"We're now working with main Justice, the Justice Department down in Washington, to get them to focus on the campaign finance illegalities." Paul has fled to Brazil, pending the outcome of negotiations with the Ashcroft Justice Department.

Putting more pressure on Ashcroft to act, ABC News "20/20" is set to give the new Clinton allegations their first network television exposure in an investigative report set for broadcast this Friday, July 13.

"'20/20' has gone to Brazil to interview Peter Paul," said Verney. "They have given the Clinton campaign and the Clinton staff and all the fundraisers an opportunity to give their side of the story. Not many of them wanted to talk."

The Judicial Watch Dallas bureau chief said ABC had obtained extensive film footage from the night of Mrs. Clinton's Hollywood fund-raiser, showing Paul being thanked by the Clintons for his financial help.

HENCH adds: Clinton appointed cronies again cover up for their @$$es. Let's hope Ashcroft has the balls to nail these scumbags and lock them all up for a LONG time.

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