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Hillary Using Secret Service as Bellboys - Again! 7/17/01 Carl Limbacher

Arkansas state troopers guarding the Clintons said that Bill would use them to pick up his women while Hillary would send them on humiliating errands, such as runs to the drug store to buy her Tampax.

Other accounts that had Mrs. Clinton treating lawmen as her personal servants included an incident during the 1992 campaign, where she reportedly cursed out a Secret Service agent who declined to carry her bags because he said he needed to keep both hands free to protect her.

But reporters long ago dismissed the ugly anecdotes as the ravings of right-wing Clinton-haters, and so none of this came up during Mrs. Clinton's bid for the Senate last year, let alone her eight years in the White House.

Yet now that she's safely ensconsced on her Senate throne, it seems Mrs. Clinton is up to her old tricks again.

And this time the purveyor of the ugly news is no GOP right-winger but instead CNBC's Chris Matthews, who says that he personally witnessed Hillary Clinton on a recent plane trip making Secret Service work as bellboys.

"I was on the New York shuttle a couple of weeks ago, and I saw something interesting," Matthews told his "Hardball" guest Gail Sheehy Monday night.

"Hillary Clinton [was] up in that little bankhead - bulkhead seat they reserve for VIPs in the corner, nobody around her; Secret Service guys all around with those little earphones and one large guy, rather embarrassed, rather sheepish, walking along with his own earphones carrying her bags."

Somewhat agitated at the idea of Mrs. Clinton turning the lifesaving federal agents into her own personal Redcaps, Matthews exclaimed, "Who - who in the Senate gets a Sherpa to carry their bags for them?"

"I've never heard of a senator getting a bag carrier. Who pays for the airfare for this guy? Who pays for his lifestyle? Who pays his salary to walk around carrying her bags, so she can walk around light-handed, with nothing in her hands?"

Matthews told Sheehy to keep an eye out for Hillary and her heavily armed valets.

"I think next time you're on the shuttle, you'll see this show. It looks like - you talk about Queen Elizabeth, this looks pretty regal."

HENCH adds: Your tax dollars at work, providing more ego fodder for our self-appointed queen.

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