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Americans Just Say No to President Hillary

02-04-02 NewsMax

Last week New York Sen. Hillary Clinton raised eyebrows with her decision to host a fund-raiser later this month for Iowa Democratic Gov. Tom Vilsack - the kind of maneuver common to presidential candidates, but not to senators who've repeatedly said they have no White House ambitions.

On Monday the first returns came in on the idea of another Clinton presidency, and the news wasn't very good for Hillary.

"By more than two to one, voters nationwide do not think Senator Hillary Clinton should run for president at some point in the future," Marist College's Polling Institute reports.

Sixty-five percent of those surveyed said they never want Hillary to run for president - not in 2004, not ever. Only 27 percent gave Sen. Clinton the green light for a White House bid, with 8 percent undecided.

Even a slim plurality of Democrats - 48 percent - don't want Hillary to run, compared with 44 percent who do. Republicans turned thumbs down on President Hillary, 83 percent to 14 percent. For Independents it was 65 percent to 24 percent.

Marist surveyed 1,009 adults nationwide from Jan. 14 through Jan. 24, 2002. The survey had a margin of error of +/- 3.5 percent.

Hench adds: 14% of Republicans? No WAY. This just shows how scummy Democrats are, that 14% is certainly Dems claiming to be Repubs to skew the poll.

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