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Hillary Breaks Record As NTU's Biggest Freshman Spender Ever

NewsMax 04/08/02 Carl Limbacher

"High-profile New York Senator Hillary Clinton helped to lead a decline in Congress's overall pro-taxpayer voting records last year," according to non-partisan National Taxpayers Union (NTU), which exposed her as the Senate's biggest spender of your tax dollars.

"Congress made a promising start for overburdened Americans last year by passing modest tax relief, but the months that followed were a disappointing finish for fiscal responsibility," said NTU President John Berthoud. "Congress will need to pay more attention to making every dollar count in 2002, not only for the War on Terror but also for pro-growth tax cuts to get our economy moving again."

Tops among those paying no attention to making every dollar count in 2002 was Sen. Clinton according to the rankings released by NTU

"New York Senator Hillary Clinton (D) earned the dubious distinction of being the lowest-scoring member of the Senate in 2001, with a 3 percent," NTU revealed. "This is the worst score for a Senate freshman in their first year in office that NTU has ever recorded."

Hillary wasn't the only New York legislator to win the dubious distinction as a congressional big spender. Fellow New Yorker Charles Rangel (D) nabbed the "prize" for biggest spender on the House side, with a 6 percent score.

According to NTU" "On the other end of the pro-taxpayer scale, the highest scorer in the House was Ron Paul (R-TX), with 88 percent. Paul has claimed the top spot in his chamber for the third year running. In the Senate, Wayne Allard (R-CO) earned the highest honor, also with an 88 percent score. Senator Jon Kyl (R-AZ) finished just a fraction of a point behind Allard, with a rounded score of 88 percent."

NTU explained that "The Rating, which is based on every roll call vote affecting fiscal policy, assigns a "Taxpayer Score" to each Member of Congress that indicates his or her commitment to reducing or controlling federal spending, taxes, debt, and regulation. For 2001, a total of 155 House and 194 Senate roll call votes were selected."

The 335,000-member National Taxpayers Union is a non-profit, non-partisan citizen organization working for lower taxes, less wasteful spending, taxpayer rights, and accountable government at all levels.

HENCH adds: Surprised I'm not. She always wants to spend someone else's money on herself.

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