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Cardinal Law and Hillary Clinton: Sex Crimes Enablers

Newsmax 4/23/02

The anguished accounts from the handful of sexual abuse victims who have gone public so far go back decades and range from unwanted groping to out-an-out rape.
Victim number one:

"I just remember thinking, 'What in the world is he doing?'" the abused office volunteer told CBS News.

"I pushed back away from him and--he--he--he--he--he's a big man, and he--he had his arms--they were tight around me, and he--he--he touched me.....

"And--and then--then--and then he took my hand and he--and he put it on him.... On--on his genitals."

Victim number two:

"He had his hand up, going up to my middle pelvic area," the abuser's former employee said in court documents. "He was trying to touch my private area....If I hadn't have stopped him, he would have..... He sat down, he lowered his trousers and underwear exposing his erect penis."

Victim number three:

"He forces me down on the bed. And I just was very frightened..... I told him, 'Please don't.' It was a real panicky, panicky situation. And I was even to the point where I was getting very noisy, you know, yelling, to--you know--to please stop."

He didn't, until the rape was complete, this victim told NBC News.

Because Bernard Cardinal Law failed to take these allegations seriously when they first came to his attention, and apparently even aided in a cover-up, most Americans now believe he should resign.

But wait. The above accounts don't come from victims of priests who were shuttled around the country by Law, only to search out new targets for abuse.

They come from women who claim to have been assaulted by America's most notorious sexual predator, Bill Clinton. (Victim No. 1 - Kathleen Willey, No. 2 - Paula Jones, No. 3 - Juanita Broaddrick)

So why hasn't New York Sen. Hillary Clinton, who has ignored these and other sexual assault allegations against her husband going back to the 1970's, been called upon to answer for her spouse's serial sexual abuse?

The roof has caved in on Law - and quite properly so - as an aider and abettor of sex crimes. But Mrs. Clinton did the exactly same thing - and more.

As first lady, she sanctioned the hiring of private detectives to dig up dirt on Willey, Broaddrick, Jones and a dozen others. Reporters were fed smears orchestrated by Mrs. Clinton's top aides.

So far at least, Cardinal Law hasn't been accused of perpetrating anything remotely that disgraceful.

So by all means, let Law, and any other high ranking cleric who participated in the Catholic Church sex crimes cover-up, resign post haste.

But shouldn't the same rules apply to Sen. Clinton, who has aided and abetted a serial sex criminal for nearly three decades?

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