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Hillary's War Story Bogus, Female Vet Says 8/06/02 Carl Limbacher

With the possible exception of Rep. Anthony Weiner, D-NY, Bill Clinton's boast last week that he was ready to grab a rifle, get in a ditch and fight and die for Israel left most folks convulsed in laughter.

Until now, however, Hillary Clinton's equally implausible 1994 claim that she tried to join the Marines 19 years earlier has gone largely unchallenged.

But over the weekend a female U.S. Air Force veteran contacted NewsMax to explain why she believes Sen. Clinton simply made the whole thing up.

Among the most suspect details from Hillary's account, our source says, was her claim that a Marine recruiter turned her away because of poor eyesight.

"The only (military) jobs that required perfect or near-perfect eyesight were flying jobs or those dealing with intricate electronic maintenance or radar," she said, adding that most other jobs required "only that eyesight be corrected to 20/20, with glasses or contacts."

What about the former first lady's contention that she was rejected at the tender age of 27 because she was too old for the Corps?

That's probably bogus as well.

"The age limit for officers in 1975 was 35. Now it's age 49 maximum," the vet explained. "Hillary's then-27 years of age would not have mattered. If indeed she was then a lawyer and age 27, she would have been greeted with open arms, and would have been commissioned an officer."

What about Mrs. Clinton's sex? Wouldn't that have been a barrier way back in the unliberated 70's.

On the contrary, says our vet.

"I myself joined the USAF in 1974 as an aircraft mechanic," she explained. "They were pushing hard to enlist women into traditionally male jobs because they were trying to redefine the military for both sexes. The Marines would have jumped at the chance to recruit a female lawyer."

Meanwhile, the response to Hillary's husband's "fight and die for Israel" pledge continues to pour in.

We thought Monica Crowley's remarks on Fox News Channel's "FoxWire" Sunday night best captured the general reaction:

"Clinton isn't headed into any ditches with any guns to defend Israel. If he can't plug in his blow-dryer, he ain't going."

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