Hillary Donor and Terrorist Sympathizer Arrested

Newsmax 09/29/03

A terrorist sympathizer whose organization donated $50,000 to Hillary Clinton's Senate campaign three years ago and who openly defended Hamas during an earlier visit to the Clinton White House has been arrested.

U.S. officials confirmed Monday morning the arrest of Abdurahman Alamoudi, a prominent member of the American Muslim Council, which presented a $50,000 check to Mrs. Clinton at a June 2000 fundraiser in Boston.

Alamoudi also personally donated $1,000 to Mrs. Clinton. Her campaign camouflaged the donations in Federal Election Commission filings as coming from "the American Museum Council," but later said the mistake was a typo.

According to Reuters, Alamoudi is a board member of the American Muslim Council, as well as the founder of the American Muslim Armed Forces and Veteran Affairs Council.

U.S. officials declined to say whether his arrest was connected to the war on terror.

"We are the ones who went to the White House and defended what is called Hamas," Alamoudi boasted after his White House visit.

Alamoudi's arrest was first reported by al Jazeera, but neither they nor Reuters noted his ties to Sen. Clinton

HENCH adds: "Alamoudi also personally donated $1,000 to Mrs. Clinton. Her campaign camouflaged the donations in Federal Election Commission filings as coming from 'the American Museum Council,' but later said the mistake was a typo." Typo my @$$! They illegally doctored the donor list, a federal violation. That's only about the ten millionth time she's broken the law. She and her scumbag husband belong in JAIL.