Clinton Accuser Tonken In Plea Flip-Flop? 12/03/03

Hollywood fundraiser Aaron Tonken reversed course on Monday, changing his plea in a case involving charges that he defrauded several charities tied to some of the biggest names in Hollywood and Democratic Party politics.

In a development largely overlooked by the mainstream press, Fox News Channel's Eric Shawn reported on Monday that Tonken "pled not guilty to fraud charges in Los Angeles this morning."

Only two weeks ago, however, federal prosecutors told the Los Angeles Times that the celebrity moneyman would "plead guilty to two federal criminal counts for defrauding donors and underwriters."

It's not clear how Tonken's turnaround will affect his decision to cooperate. While he was in the process of negotiating his plea, he told lawyers in a related civil lawsuit, "I'm a star witness against President and Mrs. Clinton."

"I'm a star witness in New York in the grand jury regarding the Marc Rich pardon and regarding the fundraising activities that I've done on behalf of the Clintons," the well-connected fundraiser explained.

"It's multi-faceted. Part of it's a criminal investigation dealing with the former president; part of it's a massive investigation with the IRS with me in conjunction with all celebrities that I've gifted."

Reporting on "The Big Show with John Gibson", Shawn said Tonken "apparently" continues to be a cooperating witness in the ongoing probe.

"Sources close to the case tell me Tonken is at the center of a possibly wide-ranging investigation into political and charitable fund-raising," including, said Shawn, "people reportedly tied to the Clinton White House who raised money for Hillary Clinton's Senate campaign in 2000."

Mr. and Mrs. Clinton have repeatedly refused to comment on Tonken's case, along with that of another fundraiser, Peter Paul, who's reportedly talking to prosecutors about an August 2000 event he worked on with Tonken for Mrs. Clinton's campaign.

HENCH adds: Gettin' juicy!