Hillary's Coup D'Etat! (Hillary to Replace Kerry)

Shortly after the 2002 election, after watching the cadaver Lautenberg easily win after Torricelli had been way behind, I realized that assault on democracy, which we'll call the "Torch Lighting," was simply a dry run for the real thing in 2004.

Everyone knows Hillary wants to be Queen, and not just of New York. Yet even Hillary the Vain knows she can't survive a year-long campaign, either her mouth or her past would catch up to her, and that would be the end of that. No, she needs a dramatically shortened campaign season to be successful.

How amazing that first Howard Dean and the other Dem hopefuls go down in flames, and Kerry, whose own campaign was on verge of collapse in December, rises up to be the nominee.

How convenient that Kerry emphasizes his brief Vietnam history, as flawed as it is, to focus his attacks on President Bush's Guard service. And yet, he flip-flopped from being for the war when he seeking the nomination, to being against it, and attacking the President on his Iraq War policy.

How ironic that Kerry's own service record falls apart under scrutiny, and his own campaign gets caught in a forged military records scandal.

These are NOT coincidences. Behind the scenes, for the last four years, the Clintons have been charting the course, picking the players, setting the policy, and tracking the results. When Dean looked poised to run away with the nomination, the Clintons whispered into the ears of fatcats in smokey back rooms that maybe they should get on the Kerry wagon, and Dean was gone faster than you could say "YEEEAAAARRRGGGHH!" Remember though, it wasn't the Dean-Scream that caused his plunge, the scream was the result - of the Clinton influence that worked the least-liked, most wishy-washy, dopey, overly nuanced dork of the whole bunch from worst to first. Even Kucinich had more gravitas.

And now, the Clintons are ready, and in the perfect position, for the biggest power-play of their lives. The "Torch Lighting" of Kerry has started, and it will only be days before you begin to hear the grumblings of the liberal masses that Kerry is a loser, and maybe should be replaced. Once the media even starts to talk about the story, Kerry is French toast, and the move to replace Kerry with Hillary will be all but complete, with just the coronation speech to cap it off.

Here's my comment in August on the following post. It's worked out so far, and there's no reason to believe the Clintons would stop now:


1) Next week, RNC convention and very Presidential speech net Bush a 10 point lead in some polls.
2) Sep 5-15. Kerry continues to flip-flop, and get caught in more lies about his Vietnam "service."
3) Sep 15-25. Media covers Kerry implosion 24/7. Dems panic, launch "Torricelli Switch" trial balloon.
4) Sep 25-30. Kerry, under pressure from every side, drops out for X reason. (X = health, family, ?whatever dumb thing Kerry thinks of?)
5) Oct 1. Hillary "drafted" by Dems, makes droning "Ya know" speech. Liberal media go nuts, 24/7 Hillary love fest begins.
6) Month of Oct. Hillary gets clobbered by Bush in debates - liberal media still oozes Clinton DNA over her "Strong performances."
7) Nov 2. Hillary wins by narrow margin as liberal precincts around the country report record turnout - 150-200% in some cases.

Don't laugh, she's running THIS year. Everything is perfectly aligned, just as the Clintons have planned it since January 2001.
Be afraid, be VERY afraid.

9 posted on 08/26/2004 10:27:43 AM PDT by Henchster
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OK, things are going precisely as they have planned it, so what can us Freepers do to wreck this train before it even leaves the station?
Get the word out. Tell your friends, relatives, and especially, any news types you know. We need the story that Hillary is waiting to replace Kerry to be out there BEFORE it happens. That eliminates the media excitement factor to a degree.

Keep our eyes open for signs. Signs of a candidate in such deep trouble, he's starting to inflate the life raft.

Signs like:

Campaign stop or fundraiser cancellations. Post these ASAP and imply that Kerry is dropping out and will be replaced by Hillary any moment now.
Associates distancing themselves from Kerry. Like Edwards has already done! Michael Moore made some comments on how Kerry is a loser, but they're stuck with him, so they need to make the best of it. Comments like that are just one short step away from abandonment.

Don't be complacent that Hillary can't win. She'll get virtually every vote that Gore got in 2000, plus a few female Bush voters who will vote for her just because she's a woman, and don't forget that vote fraud, there's no way they'll mess up again like they did in Florida by spiking the Buchanan hole instead of the Gore one.