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Hillary Skips First Senate Vote

Source: NewsMax
Published: Jan. 5, 2001 Author: Carl Limbacher

Hillary Clinton fought like mad to win her Senate seat, but she couldn't be bothered to show up for her first Senate vote today.

Because she was at an event in Virginia with her lame-duck hubby, she missed the ratification of Trent Lott's agreement that caved in to the Democrats on power sharing.

Not that anyone missed her. Only a few senators were on hand, the Associated Press reported. The vote was a formality because the deal already had been hammered out by leaders of the Senate and agreed to by all its members.

Even though Hillary was sworn in as a senator Wednesday, she will take part Sunday in a gaudy re-enactment ceremony at Madison Square Garden in front of 3,000 of her "fellow New Yorkers."

HENCH adds: She'll conveniently miss all the controversial votes as well, claiming some "prior commitment" read: fundraiser.

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