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U.S. District Judge Royce Lamberth is now 'inclined' to approve a request for the deposition of First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton in the ongoing Filegate lawsuit, the DRUDGE REPORT has learned.

"I'm inclined to let the fella ask her a few questions," Lamberth recently told one of his clerks, according to case intelligence.

The move would set-up an explosive legal showdown between lawyers for the first lady and Judicial Watch Chairman Larry Klayman, who filed the civil action on behalf of former Reagan and Bush officials and others whose FBI files were obtained by the Clinton White House.

President Clinton has discussed invoking executive privilege to block his wife's testimony, the DRUDGE REPORT has learned.

The White House would argue the first lady has had privileged communications with the president's lawyers.

It is not known when the judge will issue a ruling on Klayman's request, and a well-placed court source cautions that Lamberth had not completely made up his mind on the motion as of mid-week.

Last summer, Klayman asked the court for permission to depose the first lady, a defendant in the $90 million lawsuit.

Lawyers countered that Hillary Clinton should not be forced to submit to oral questioning in the case because she is too high a government official.

"As a general proposition, high-ranking government officials are not subject to depositions," noted the brief. The first lady should not have to testify so she can "have time to dedicate to the performance of government functions."

But in recent months, the first lady, in her desire to run for Senate, has abandoned many of her official duties, and the legal argument is said to have been weakened.

Klayman would likely videotape his deposition with Hillary Clinton.

Judge Lamberth would immediately order the testimony sealed, a court source explained on Wednesday. There would also be limits put on the scope of the questioning.

White House loyalists accuse Lamberth, a Reagan appointee, of operating from raw political motivations.

"If he gives the okay for Mr. Klayman to depose the first lady on video, it could be for only one purpose, to embarrass the Clintons," says a White House insider.

"We will fight this thing all the way to the Supreme Court if we have to!" Developing..

HENCH adds: "Ms Clinton had to cancel several campaign stops today to testify under oath." Can't wait for that one.

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