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FIRST LADY Hillary Clinton could soon be rocked by her own sex scandal - a shocking list naming a dozen women as her lesbian lovers is set to be released by her enemies, reveal sources.

Insiders described the controversial document as a political time bomb that Hillary's foes hope will torpedo her run for New York's U.S. Senate seat.

"A number of people have seen it and say it will blast Hillary right out of the water," a source told GLOBE. 'It not only contains names from the past, but includes several women whom she allegedly had relations with right up to the present time."

According to sources, the list includes:

*A beauty in her early 30s who has often traveled with Hillary.

*A popular TV and movie star.

*The daughter of a top government official.

*A stunning model who got a career boost after allegedly sleeping with Hillary.

The model claims she was introduced to the first lady by a Hollywood pal of the Clintons.

"She said she was brought to a posh L.A.. home in a limo and was stopped for only a few seconds by Secret Service agents and then quickly waved on," says a political insider.

"The woman said that after her tryst with Hillary, she got several well-paying modeling jobs that she knew came from Hillary's powerful pals."

The list also features claims made by those close to the Clintons that Hillary is attracted to women.

One remark came from former top White House aide Dick Morris. When asked about the reason for the president's flings, Morris replied that Bill might seek other gals for sex if Hillary were gay, says the source. "There aren't many people who know more about the Clintons than Dick Morris," says the insider.

But he's not the only one who has publicly raised the question of Hillary's sexual orientation. In her book Sleeping with the President, Clinton's former mistress, Gennifer Flowers, writes that Bill told her Hillary "had been with more women than I have."

Political commentator Jack Wheeler wrote this in a newsletter: "My sources indicate that Hillary is bisexual and fools around much more than her husband. The stories you hear from the Secret Service people are mind-boggling." He also credits Hillary for being the force behind the "White House's homosexual agenda."

The secret list says Hillary used her influence to get Donna Shalala appointed the head of the Department of Health and Human Services. Shalala denies she's a lesbian, although she was branded one by the radical gay organization Queer Nation in 1992.

Hillary has continued to court the lesbian vote in her Senate campaign. On March 8, she appeared at a Gay Democrats rally in New York and spoke at length about her support of homosexual rights.

Recently, the Washington Times added to rumors of Hillary's gay political alliances by commenting snidely about Hillary's relationship with political consultant Susan Thomases, a New York lawyer:

"Then there is the controversial figure of Susan Thomases, who is Mrs. Clinton's unofficial adviser and confidante and a lot more than that, hint the crueler gossips," says the Times article.

The catalog of possible lovers has also given new life to decades-old rumors that the first lady has been engaging in lesbian love affairs since her college days.

One gal on the lesbian lovers list, the daughter of a government official, claims she and Hillary were intimate during their college days at Wellesly in the wild'60s, the insider reveals.

"The woman said Hillary was extremely interested in lesbian action movements at the time and subscribed to a magazine that devoted many pages to the issue," says the insider.

"She said Hillary saved every copy of the magazine, many of which contained explicit articles and pictures describing lesbian lovemaking."

Today, the first lady's defenders are calling the list a sick example of false and malicious politics.

"Nobody takes it seriously," says a Democratic Party insider. "Everyone knows it's a baseless, savage prank by rabid Clinton-haters."

Adds a source: "These rumors have followed her all the way from her college days and she has never bothered to deny them."

But insiders say if the list is ever made public, Hillary may be forced to come out and set the record straight.

Says an insider: "Instead of going away, these lesbian rumors are only getting stronger,"


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