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Published: 1998 Author: George Carpozi Jr.

Chapter 60-Death #29: Did Clinton Murder His Own Mother?

Clinton Confidential: The Unauthorized Biography of Bill and Hillary Clinton 1998 George Carpozi Jr.

The author now feels it incumbent upon himself to summarize a startling publication issued by CLS Publishing, the publisher of this updated version of this book.

The creator of that piece, Mike Kellett, refers to the unexpected death of Bill Clinton's much-married mother, Virginia Blythe Clinton Dwire Kelley, on January 5, 1994, in her Hot Springs home.

Kellet launches into Mrs. Kelley's death by quoting the following paragraphs from this book, which dwell on what Clinton told reporters, whom he summoned to the Oval office to explain an accounting discrepancy in his tax return, purporting that he overstated losses he claimed to have sustained in his and Hillary's Whitewater investments.

Here's the text Kellett singled out in his highlight: "At only his second press conference since taking office, Clinton astonished everyone by admitting he had drastically overstated his and Hillary's 'losses' in Whitewater. They did not lose $68,000, he fessed up. That figure was inflated by about $22,000-'because I had forgotten that I used the money to help my mother [Kellett's italics] buy a cabin.'

"Of course he was referring to the Lake Hamilton cabin where he had the orgy with the three skid row hookers. The president didn't mention that diversion. He did expand on the $22,000 he claimed to have 'given' his mother.

'I was wracking my brain to remember my investment,' and then he saw the light.

'I was reading and fact-checking the galleys for my mother's autobiography and realized then that I had borrowed that money to help her buy a home, that I didn't invest that [sum] in Whitewater.'"

Kellet then notes: "So he counted the $22,000 as a loss that he had mistakenly applied to Whitewater. A most logical inference follows, therefore, that his mother never paid him back after his supposedly wonderful deed of helping her."

Kellet then sums up. Referring to his mother's own autobiography which detailed the transactions, Kellet states:
"There was no loss. Clinton was paid back by her husband who bought his share (probably at a profit to Clinton) and his mother adds a bonus. It was she who helped buy the cabin for him-not the other way around..."

Kellett goes on to make three incisive observations about the darker side of Bill Clinton: "1. If any Clinton supporter has any doubts whatsoever about just how despicable a liar Clinton is, they don't have to be shown literature by people they will assume are right-wing, hate-mongering meanies like me or Carpozi. Here is the proof written by his own mother.

"2. Let's get a picture of this. Clinton decides that he needs a cabin in the woods to take girlfriends and prostitutes. So he goes to Mommy telling her about his need for some retreat. She is good enought to help him. Years later, just after she is conviently gone, he lies about the circumstances to get out of a jam caused by his and his wife's crookedness. In the process he unjustly trashes his mother's memory on national television.

"Can a creature who stoops to such a low level be classified as merely a pathological liar, or is this behavior indicative of a much more dangerous pathology?

"3. WHAT THE HELL WAS CLINTON DOING WITH HIS MOTHER'S AUTOBIOGRAPHY ANYWAY? Correcting grammatical or spelling mistakes? Simon and Schuster had a professional writer, an editor, and surely an assistant on the project. Was he reviewing for factual accuracy? This was about her life, not his, the major portion of which he couldn't have had first-hand knowledge. For the first third of the book, he had not yet even been born. If some sort of reviewer was needed, the most logical choice would have been Nancy Adkins, the woman Mrs. Kelley mentioned as her life-long friend.

"From a somewhat different perspective, James Morgan, who put Kelley's story into book form, states in his acknowledgements:

'President Bill Clinton, first sat for an interview, then took over the reviewing for Virginia after she died. I was astonished by the time and attention he gave to me while he ran the country, and touched by the love with which he dispatched this final duty as a son.' "Yes, it is absolutely 'astonishing' that the president of the United States would take time to 'review' his mother's book. Consider how incredibly busy he is: "There is always some cover-up going on requiring his attention. He is concerned with getting a sex partner. He has to get his daily snort. His leisure time is spent playing golf with campaign 'donors' and those who would funnel money to fund some underhanded operation. On Sundays he must appear before the cameras attending church and holding hands with Hillary. There is often a funeral to attend. This presidential couple has attended more funerals and expressed more remorse than any in history."

Kellet continues to explore the oddity of the President of the United States taking precious time to "review" his mother's manuscript. (The book had nothing to do with government or politics.)

The Spring of 1994 was particularly hectic for this president. Kellett notes that the Fiske cover-up of the Vince Foster murder was in process. Webb Hubbell had been caught stealing from his law partners (which included Hillary) and hush money was urgently needed. John Huang was already working at the commerce department and, as Kellett put it, "the selling of American foreign policy was under way." Then Kellett makes what he calls his most incredible and outrageous assertion about Bill Clinton. "I have evidence, he states, " that during the Spring of 1994, he also spent some time doing the job he was elected and paid to do."

What was in his mother's manuscript that could have possibly warranted the time and attention of such a busy creature? Kellet's answer is directly related to his motive for the murder.

A prerequisite for this book entitled Death #29 is the last chapter in Kellett's prior book, One More Link, which describes the unique characteristics of psychopaths. Psychopaths project an outward appearance of perfect normalcy, and often even project tenderness and compassion, but will murder anyone without a shred of conscience if it furthers or protects their interests.

The chapter then refers to a well-respected instrument in Psychiatry and Social Work-The Psychopathy Profile-which lists and details the observable characteristics that are uniquely common to psychopaths. Some of the observable characteristics listed are the psycopath's glibness of tongue, the constant lying, and the irresponsibility. Kellett convincingly demonstrates that Clinton fits every observable characteristic listed.

Death #29 then discusses the unique inner motivations of psychopaths and one stands out. They are characterized by an excessive concern with their image in the eyes of others and the public.

By Christmas 1993, Virginia Clinton Kelly had completed her manuscript which described and commented on her relationships with husbands, friends, employers, and children. The eventual publication, entitled Leading With The Heart, gives the world's only description of what Clinton was like growing up. Based on what we know about him, Kellett figures that we should expect a portrayal of a "whining, lying, cowardly, sneaky little wretch," but instead we see just the opposite. According to her book, he was ultra-honest and ultra-responsible. He was, in Kellett's words, "The Budding Little Saint."

Using documentation, and by comparing the writing style, of his mother's writing in general with the book's writing about Clinton, Kellett presents a stunning and powerful case for believing that Clinton changed the manuscript to preserve and enhance his image, and that explains his strange "reviewing" after her death.

Did Mrs. Kelley's writing describe the real young Clinton? Did her refusal to change her manuscript to enhance Clinton's image necessitate her exit from the world? With her manuscript completed, was it merely coincidence that she died just before the book went into production? Or did her son make it happen?

Why Wasn't An Autopsy Performed On Clinton's Mother? Kellett digs into the heart of the problem he has found in Mrs. Kelley's death by taking issue with the action of Dr. William Mashburn, the county coroner, who noted on the death certificate that "the underlying cause was cancer of the breast of about four years duration."

When asked why he didn't perform an autopsy, Dr. Mashburn said, "We could sit down with a pathology text and guess forever what that was-a pulmonary embolism, pneumonia, congestive heart failure, or stroke." In other words, he didn't know why Ms. Kelley died. Isn't finding that answer the very reason why we have autopsies?

Since Dr. Mashburn, a Clinton appointee to his Arkansas medical examiner's post, performed no autopsy, the cause of Mrs. Kelley's death cannot be identified.

"To point a finger at 'cancer' as the general reason for the expiration of her life is meaningless. In medicine, there are innumerable variables and contingencies, and thus ironclad statements cannot be made or relied upon. Nevertheless, from consultation with several doctors, nurses, the American Breast Cancer Association, and Kelley's book, a few very general statements can be made in this case.

"1. Although cancer of the breast, prostate, colon, or any area will be debilitating and painful, it does not result in death until it spreads to the heart, lungs, kidneys, or the central nervous system.

"2. Even after spreading to these vital areas, death can take weeks, months, or even years.

"3. Kelley described her own condition in her book. Although the cancer had spread to several areas besides the breast, it had not attacked the most vital areas.

"4. And even if it had, it is highly unlikely that she would have felt like, or been able to travel, party, and live the active life she was living only 16 hours before her death. "To put it in Clintoid terminology, dying suddenly is 'consistent' with' several other Clinton-associated deaths. Stanley Huggins, who in 1987 was investigating the loan practices of Madison Guarantee, and Paul Tully, was political director of the Democratic National Committee, both died very suddenly in the quiet of their motel rooms.

The wife of Jim Moody (Moody went on to marry Lisa Foster) died suddenly in her sleep. Moody's son, Jeff, died in a one-car accident. Moody said at the funeral that Jeff had suffered a heart attack while driving which caused the crash. The very active and physically fit John Hillyer suffered a sudden, fatal heart attack."

Why was no autopsy performed? After further questioning, the reason came out. The president had personally requested that his appointee not perform an autopsy.

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