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Another Hillary Blooper!

Hillary Rodham Clinton inadvertently provided an opening for conservative Republican senators to embarrass her husband regarding the 1997 Kyoto Protocol, which calls for a worldwide reduction in the emission of gases claimed to cause global warming.

At a Jan. 24 public meeting in White Plains, N.Y., with environmental activists, New York Democratic Senate candidate Clinton said she would vote to ratify the 1997 treaty. Because of fears that it would stifle economic growth and cause unemployment, nothing close to the two-thirds vote needed for ratification can be found in the Senate.

Consequently, President Clinton never has brought the treaty up for Senate consideration. But quoting Mrs. Clinton's words, Republican Sen. James Inhofe is demanding that the Kyoto pact be voted on this year.

Hench adds: Whoops! "The Smartest Woman in the World" in another political gaffe? Three cheers for Jim Inhofe, one our greatest protectors of the Constitution.

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