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Experts Say First Lady Fudged Marital Fidelity Claim

Sunday February 6, 2000; 11:03 AM EST

As she prepared to make her bid to be US Senator from New York official, First Lady Hillary Clinton has been hit with new charges that she lied last month when she claimed she'd always been faithful to the President.

Two separate voice stress experts who examined responses Mrs. Clinton's gave during a Buffalo radio interview now say that her answer to questions about whether she'd ever cheated on her husband were "definitely deceptive" and "totally dishonest."

On January 19 WGR-AM's Tom Bauerle asked Clinton, "Have you ever been sexually unfaithful to (the President) and specifically, the stories about you and Vince Foster -- any truth in those?"

Clinton berated Bauerle for what she said was an "out of bounds" inquiry, but the talk host persisted. "Is the answer no?" "Well, yes, of course it's no," Clinton finally replied.

But Robert Jenkins, a certified computer voice stress expert who's been using a high-tech version of the Psychological Stress Evaluator in court since 1994, says the First Lady fibbed.

"She was not being truthful in answering that question," Jenkins told The National Examiner last week. "That response is definitely deceptive."

Martin Markowitz, a truth detection expert who subjected Mrs. Clinton's answer to an Electronic Psychological Profile Analysis, concurrs. "She was being totally dishonest," he told The Examiner.

Both Jenkins and Markowitz provided stress test read-outs, printed in full by the tabloid, to back their conclusions.

The talk host's focus on the First Lady's personal life was attacked by nearly all mainstream journalists as inappropriate. But Jack Germond, the legendary Baltimore Sun reporter who's spent decades keeping an eye on D.C's political shenanigans, disagrees.

"She's running for Senate first and foremost as (Bill Clinton's) wife. It's her major credential," Germond told CNN days after the sex query flap broke. "Hillary Clinton and her husband are the ones who brought this into the business when they went on the '60 Minutes' show eight years ago and talked about their marriage."

Others say that if Mrs. Clinton did indeed have an affair with Foster, who was found dead from a gunshot wound in a Virginia park seven years ago, the subject would have relevance beyond the Clintons' marriage.

Former Wall Street Journal and Washington Post veteran Ron Kessler, who has written extensively on law enforcement issues in books about the FBI and CIA, argued in his 1995 bestseller Inside the White House that evidence of a Clinton-Foster affair should have been thoroughly examined by those probing his death.

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