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Interrogatory NO. 14: Identify all persons who recommended or who helped make the decision that Kathleen Willey's letters to Pres. Clinton should be released by the Clinton White House.

Response: "The President and the First Lady's personal attorneys advise us that the substance of discussions between the President and the First Lady would be protected by the spousal privilege.

Judge Lamberth issues order for Hillary to do extensive search for documents, implying the first lady has been unresponsive in discovery phase... MORE... DEVELOPING HARD!

HENCH adds: I hope for Bill's sake that's the only spousal privelege she claims. YUK!

Hey, she's done this before......

Wednesday April 29, 1998 1:04 PM EDT

Hillary invoked spousal privilege

WASHINGTON, April 29 (UPI) _ First lady Hillary Rodham Clinton's lawyer David Kendall says she ``appropriately'' declined to answer two questions concerning conversations with her husband during a nearly five-hour Whitewater inquiry by special counsel Kenneth Starr.

Kendall says the questions Mrs. Clinton refused to answer ``plainly fell under the established common law privilege for marital communications.''

The interrogation took place in the White House family quarters on video and will be shown to the federal grand jury sitting in Little Rock, which will wrap up business next week. It was the sixth time the first lady has testified before the Starr prosecutors, including an appearance before a federal grand jury in Washington two years ago,

In a written statement, Kendall said the subjects covered in the inquiry were ``matters concerning the Rose law firm's legal representation of the Madison Guaranty Savings & Loan and Mrs. Clinton's relationship with related individuals.

``During this lengthy testimony,'' he added, ``she appropriately declined to answer two questions which inquired into conversations she have had with her husband _ conversations that plainly fell under the long-established common law privilege for marital communications.''

Starr has been looking into possible fraud in the Whitewater land venture in Arkansas in which both President and Mrs. Clinton were co- investors with the late James McDougal, owner of Madison Guaranty and his wife Susan McDougal who has been in prison for the last 18 months for refusing to answer questions before the Starr jury.

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