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The survey of 713 likely New York State voters conducted May 23-25, shows the First Lady leading Lazio 45.8% - 43.8 with 10.4% Undecided.

In a similar survey last week, Clinton led Lazio 45.7% - 32.2% with 17.4% Undecided. Margin of sampling error is +/- 3.8%. The new survey shows Lazio pulling ahead of Clinton among Upstate voters 46.1% - 41.4% (last week Clinton led 37.4% - 36.4%), and among Suburban voters 54.1%-36.2% (last week Clinton led 42.5% - 36.2%). Lazio also has moved into a virtual tie among Independent voters (40.1% Clinton - 39.1% Lazio) when last week Clinton led (40.1%-32.1%). Clinton maintained her lead over Lazio among New York City voters (62.4% - 29.8%) and among 18-29 year-old voters (57.9% - 33.4%).

Also, last week, 63.5% of those surveyed said they were not familiar enough with Lazio to form an opinion. The new survey now shows that 41.4% say they are not familiar with Lazio. His favorable/unfavorable ratings are now 45.9% - 11.1% while Clinton's ratings are 59.2% - 38.2%.

Pollster John Zogby: "This didn't take very long. Lazio had the kind of opening week that new candidates only dream about -- a lot of publicity, a successful swing through the state and polling validation."

HENCH adds: Damn, wrong again, I predicted it would take TWO weeks for him to catch her, not one.

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