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Hillary Involved in Fundraising Crimes?

What did she know and when did she know it? A previously unknown White House memo begs such answers from Hillary Clinton!

6/16/00 - Insight Magazine

An interesting document has come to Insight recently involving Hillary Clinton that begs questions about what she knew and when did she know it concerning those infamous White House sleepovers, the koffeeclatches and, of course, the general fundraising mess that has embroiled the White House since 1996.

The heavily redacted one-page memorandum dated January 10, 1995, was turned over a while back to federal investigators who have been probing both the Clinton/Gore reelection campaign fundraising debacle as well as Hillary herself pertaining to the Filegate case and the Travelgate fiasco.

Though she has appeared before a federal grand jury as a result of the Whitewater land fiasco, answered questions about the Travel Office firings, and been subjected to other reviews, it appears that Mrs. Clinton has not bee caught up – at least directly – in the fundraising scandal.

However, in the millions of documents obtained by the Justice Department’s Campaign Finance Task Force are documents that do show her involvement in some substantial ways concerning helping her husband and her political party raise hundreds of millions of dollars still under scrutiny by the Task Force.

Partly because she is just the First Lady and partly because she’s a sideline player for purposes of federal laws governing campaign-related matters, focus on Hillary’s activities in this area has not been high. But that may change now if the press begins to focus on Mrs. Clinton’s role in the campaign finance scandal now that she’s running for Senate.

As a candidate, she is fair game now to reporters – and possibly the Task Force, according to Insight’s sources. Her positions on campaign finance reform and how that squares with her otherwise unknown activities in the nitty-gritty of helping to foster the raising of money for her husband and the Democratic National Committee or DNC.

Based on the one-page document obtained by Insight, sources tell the magazine that there are many questions candidate Clinton should have to answer concerning what she knew about the fundraising scandal. And, if early word has it correct that Independent Counsel Robert Ray is set to release his findings – without indictments – on the Travelgate fiasco, Hillary Clinton will have much to answer for because of information contained in the report that raises questions about her role in the firing of employees in that office.

Concerning the January 10, 1995 memorandum typed on White House stationary, here’s the text:


FROM: Carolyn Huber

I had a memo from Nancy Hernreich yesterday saying the President wanted to start inviting top supporters to spend the nigh here immediately. This is the list they sent:

John Connelly, Carl Lindner, Skip Hayward, Miquel Lausell, Arthur Coia, Finn Casperson, Paul Montrone, Larry Hawkins, Stan Shuman and Ernie Greene

Do you want me to start inviting them? I am to talk to Harold Ickes about who comes on what nights."

This memorandum also contained a handwritten notation said to be in Hillary’s hand: "Tell Harold to talk to me"

Prior to this memorandum coming to Insight’s attention – and therefore the public – Mrs. Clinton’s role in the fundraising caper has been difficult to nail down, as has her involvement in the use of the White House as turnstile to generate money for Clinton coffers.

As internal memos to and from the FBI, the Campaign Task Force and the Justice Department clearly show, there was and remains to be a strong belief by career federal law enforcement agents and prosecutors that the Clinton White House operated a massive scheme that is believed to have been a conspiracy of sorts to evade and otherwise circumvent the federal election laws. Although Louis Freeh, the FBI director, and other top deputies had urged Attorney General Janet Reno often to seek appointment of an Independent Counsel to probe suspected criminal activities, Reno has rejected such advice.

The House Government Reform Committee released copies of many of these previously secret internal documents recently and copies of these are on the committee’s web site in PDF format. Also, WorldNetDaily ( has put up a few.

What’s interesting in reviewing these FBI, Task Force and Justice Department memos is that there is nary a word mentioned of Hillary Clinton’s role in the campaign finance scandal. Yet, according to Insight’s sources and other documents reviewed by the magazine, Hillary’s name and memos to/from her litter as-yet-unreleased documents in the possession of federal criminal investigators.

Whether these see the light of day is anyone’s guess. At least one document now has and it shows clearly her role early on in setting up the apparatus now at the center of the ongoing criminal probe.

As she campaigns for the open seat in New York for Senate, she has avoided answering many hard questions. But as the summer unfolds, expect more memos to surface and hard questions that will need to be answered such as: "What did she know and when did she know it?"

HENCH adds: Come on New York media rats - go after the trash!

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