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Hillary Si?

Newspaper editors sometimes wonder jokingly whether it would help a particular political candidate more to endorse him or his opponent. Hillary Clinton probably is wishing Fidel Castro had asked himself the same question.

In a recent interview, the Maximum Leader was queried about American political campaigns. Castro said he had taken particular note of the New York Senate race, and heaped praise on the First Lady.

I remember her shining defense before Congress of a social program to provide medical services that today are unavailable for millions of the American poor. I also listened with interest when she spoke to the World Health [Organization] in Geneva. She was frank, persuasive, and seemed honest. She acted with great dignity at a time when her family was entangled in a hard and sad crisis.

Of course, Castro did not approve of Hillary without reservation. He was particularly unhappy that she had said Elian Gonzalez's father should defect to the United States.

Yet Comrade Fidel's comments were mostly positive, which could prove a negative for Mrs. Clinton. New Yorkers should not be surprised if they see reprints in political ads -- paid for by her opponent.

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