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A handwritten letter from Hillary Rodham to her soon-to-be husband Bill Clinton outlined "goals" and detailed "a plan" for their relationship, a new bombshell book is set to disclose.

"I do not understand why do you do the things you do to hurt me... I know all your little girls are around there," Rodham wrote Clinton, according to author Jerry Oppenheimer.

Oppenheimer's book STATE OF A UNION: INSIDE THE COMPLEX MARRIAGE OF BILL AND HILLARY CLINTON does not street until Tuesday, but now the DRUDGE REPORT breaks the embargo set by publisher HARPERCOLLINS and reveals new details.

A Marla Crider from Fayetteville, Arkansas tells Oppenheimer that she dated Clinton while he was running for Congress. One day, Crider claims, Clinton left a note on his desk - a note from his future wife!

"Dear Bill," the letter began, "I do not understand why you do the things you do to hurt me."

Rodham continued: "You left me in tears and not knowing what our relationship was all about."

"I know all your little girls are around there, if that's what it is, you will outgrow this. They will not be with you when you need them. They are not the ones who can help you achieve your goals. If this is about your feelings for Marla, this too shall pass. Let me remind you, it always does."

The letter continued: "Remember what we talked about? Remember the goals we set for ourselves. You keep trying to stray away from the plan we've put together. Take some time, think about it, and call me when you're ready."

The book claims the letter was signed "Hillary."

Crider, on the record, opens up to Oppenheimer. And she wonders to this day: Just what kind of relationship do the Clintons share?

"A plan that needed to be adhered to? Some sort of strange pact? Goals. Achievement. What did any of this have to do with love? Just what kind of relationship was this?" Oppenheimer writes.

Other claims made by Oppenheimer in UNION, first revealed in this space last week, have drawn sharp fire from the Clintons.

Saying "I am very angry," Hillary Clinton called the book "politics of destruction" and "politics of the worst kind."

The president blasted the book and called it "part of a pattern."

"They couldn't defeat me politically, and they can't defeat her politically, so they go after us personally, " Clinton told Monday's DAILY NEWS.


----------------------------------------------------------- Filed by Matt Drudge

HENCH adds: "Well, isn't that special!"

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