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Hillary Ad Portrays Florida Ringer as 'Average New Yorker'

Published: 9/07/00 Author: Carl Limbacher and Staff

A recent TV ad produced by Hillary Clinton's Senate campaign features several man-on-the-street interviews with New Yorkers who react negatively to Rick Lazio's voting record. But at least one of the interviewees is a political operative who spent eight years working for a Democratic state assemblyman and is now registered to vote in Florida.

In the ad, Carol Madow-Kolberg expresses shock when she is told that Lazio was once the deputy whip to former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich and voted to trim the education budget.

"Oh my goodness," she tells the interviewer, "I didn't know that."

The profession of political ignorance may be exaggerated to say the least, since Madow-Kolberg was actually an aide to Democratic state assemblyman Stephen Kaufman at the time the Gingrich budget was proposed.

Likewise, the Clinton campaign's "average New Yorker" pretext backfired bigtime this week, when Broward County's Journal News revealed that Madow-Kolberg is actually registered to vote in Florida, not New York -- where she spends only six months out of the year since retiring from her Assembly job.

The Lazio campaign countered this week with its own ad criticizing Mrs. Clinton for portraying an out-of-state Democratic operative as an average New Yorker.

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