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Hillary Rented White House Rooms for Big Campaign Bucks
Thursday, Sept. 14, 2000

While top White House officials scrambled to spin the latest revelations involving the exchange of nights in the Lincoln bedroom for cash contributions to Hillary Clinton’s New York senatorial campaign, lower-level staffers are spilling the beans.

According to an explosive report by Fox News, some White House aides "have voiced concern that first lady Hillary Rodham Clinton has offered overnight stays in the Lincoln Bedroom or Camp David to large donors to her campaign and the Democratic Senatorial Committee."

The insiders told Fox that since the summer of 1999, 26 individuals or couples have stayed overnight at the White House after either contributing to Mrs. Clinton’s New York campaign or pledging to do so.

Harried Clinton administration aides have yet to honor a rash of media requests for lists of names of overnight guests.

"We're reviewing the requests," deputy White House spokesman Jake Siewert told the Associated Press.

Confronted with the charge that Mrs. Clinton is playing landlady at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. for her campaign donors, White House press secretary Joe Lockhart admitted that some of the Clintons’ financial supporters have been overnight guests – but said he saw nothing wrong with that.

"The president and the first lady, over the last seven and a half years, have always welcomed their friends and supporters and political officials from around the country, (and) prominent members of the arts community, to stay at the White House," Lockhart said.

"Within that group, there certainly have been people who, as their friends, have supported them financially."

White House sources told Fox that a New York couple, Lisa and Richard Perry, who donated to Mrs. Clinton’s campaign four times in 1999, and gave thousands of additional dollars to the Democrat Party, spent the night in the Lincoln bedroom after a dinner party.

The sources added that Mrs. Clinton called Lisa Perry and asked her specifically what she wanted in exchange for the contributions. This is the second time the issue of selling nights in the Lincoln bedroom for campaign donations has been raised. Similar charges were made against President Clinton in the 1996 re-election campaign.

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