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Lazio Won by Getting in Her Face!


NewsMax.Com - John LeBoutillier
Thursday, Sept. 14, 2000

Rick Lazio won the first debate hands down! He did exactly what New Yorkers love: got in her face and did not back down.

Rather than try to recount every question and rebuttal, let me offer a quick "Instant Report Card":



She repeated over and over and over the standard liberal Democrat litany that is designed to hide their liberalism. She blasted Lazio twice for being "with Newt Gingrich." She constantly prattled on about her "30-year record" working on education or – and this is another standard leftist line – "working for children." What exactly does that mean anyway? It is such crap!

TV Presence:

Not bad, frankly. She has enough experience that she did not appear nervous. But she does wear badly, and she has a grating, monotone, shrill Chicago twang that will drive us all mad.


She was well prepared but almost robotic. Warmth ain’t her bag. But she clearly works hard at being prepared. She constantly sprinkled her answers with individual names of citizens she has met during the campaign to show her familiarity with the state.

High Point:

Perhaps – from her leftist point of view – the high point was linking Rick Lazio up to Newt Gingrich. She did it twice, so she must think it scores points. Of course she has nothing in her own life to brag about, so she just chops down others. But it was a pretty "low" high point, if you get my drift.

Low Point:

She was incapable of responding to moderator Tim Russert’s tough and fair grilling with video of Hillary’s denial that Clinton had an affair and lied about it. She stumbled around almost incoherently as she tried to wiggle out of the famous "vast right-wing conspiracy" statement. Clearly, this is an Achilles' heel – and Lazio needs to go there again and again. If it bothers her, keep doing it!

Lowest Point:

She was completely speechless – and isn’t that music to all our ears – when Lazio pounced on her to sign a pledge to stop using soft money. It was almost as if Russert and Lazio double-teamed her. She was shocked, stunned and momentarily clueless. Now, campaign finance is never as big an issue as the liberal media make it out to be. But to undecided moderate independent voters it may be important. Plus, of bigger importance, Lazio broke the "debate format" by leaving his podium and going over to her and thrusting this No Soft Money Pledge right in her face. This was the high point of the evening. Lazio will see that this type of aggressive act is exactly what is needed to score points and cut her down to size.



Good at listing the specific bills he wrote and passed. This contrasts well with Hillary’s specious record. Lazio also repeatedly stressed how he had done things "for New York." This will work for him because it proved successful for Al D’Amato and Chuck Schumer. They both made it a cornerstone of their candidacies that they could "get things done for New York."


No problem. He had good lines – especially the one about not needing her "Little Rock record in the Big Apple." He was rehearsed, relaxed and relentless.

TV Appearance:

He looked attractive, confident; he never once looked rattled or lost or shaken. (She did several times.) He also grew in confidence and aggression as the hour went on; she seemed to sink a bit as the debate came to an end.

High Point:

This was also his highest point: going after her on the pledge to stop spending soft money. It isn’t the issue itself that will score points for him but the way he seized control of the debate with that tactic. It was wonderful!

He also scored well by turning toward her and challenging her "McCarthy" tactics in linking Lazio repeatedly to Newt Gingrich. It was a memorable moment.

Low Point:


Missed Opportunity:

Lazio never mentioned the breaking news story about Hillary abusing the public trust by having her campaign contributors sleep over at the White House and Camp David. Too bad, because it would have tied in with the soft money gambit.

Conclusion: Lazio won – and in the process he learned he can fight her and live to tell about it. Now he needs to step it up a notch and keep "getting in her face."

HENCH adds: Hillary looked like a deer in the headlights more than once. She lost votes on this one.

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