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Strip Club Owner Was Hillary White House Sleepover Guest!

Source: via NewsMax
Published: Wednesday, Sept. 27, 2000

More fallout from the White House sleepovers list: the Senate campaign of Rep. Rick Lazio claims that one the 404 names on the list of overnight guests released last week is the former owner of a Chicago strip club.

Jim Levin – a donor who gave $5000 to the New York Senate campaign committee last year – is also the former owner of The Doll House, an adult dance club.

Levin gave his money on New Year's Eve, the same night he attended a White House party to celebrate the new millennium.

The Chicago Sun Times also reports that Levin has stayed overnight in the Lincoln bedroom and serves as a finance director for first lady Hillary Clinton's Senate campaign, as well as board member of President Clinton's proposed library in Little Rock.

"We're curious as to whether Jim Levin's contribution came in the form of folded dollar bills," said Lazio spokesperson Mollie Fullington.

Mrs. Clinton's campaign has not returned phone calls asking for comment.

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