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Kathleen Willey to New Yorkers: 'Hillary Knows Bill Assaulted Me'

Published: 10/16/00 Author: Carl Limbacher and Staff

Sexgate accuser Kathleen Willey says that Senate candidate Hillary Clinton privately believes President Clinton sexually assaulted her and other women who have made similar allegations and has offered to come to New York to confront the first lady on the issue.

"When I hear these stories about what happened to other women, I know they're telling the truth," Willey told WABC talk radio host Mike Gallagher on Saturday. "Hillary knows in her heart that we're all telling the truth. And we're getting in her way by telling the truth."

In 1998 Willey charged the president with grabbing and groping her inside the White House and later claimed that Mrs. Clinton was behind a campaign to intimidate her.

"I think she knows that we're telling the truth," Willey reiterated to Gallagher. "I think in her heart of hearts that she believes us. She just doesn't know how to deal with it."

In what could be an ominous development for the first lady's New York senate campaign, Willey says she's willing to confront Hillary in her own backyard by coming to the state and telling her story to voters.

"If there's anybody in New York who wants me to talk to them or their groups or people that are interested in the election, I'd be glad to sit down and talk to people and tell them what this woman and her husband did to me," the Clinton accuser promised.

"They smeared my late husband's name. They have threatened me. The have let me know that if I spoke up there would be hell to pay," Willey told Gallagher.

On the day Clinton sexually assaulted her, Willey's husband committed suicide amidst of mounting financial problems.

Willey called Mrs. Clinton hypocritical for touting women's rights while ignoring a slew of sexual abuse allegations against her husband.

"That's her thing," Willey said. "This is a woman who stands out there and tells everybody how much she fights for women's rights all over the world.... (But) any woman who gets in the way of Bill Clinton's sophomoric adolescent behavior needs to go into the witness protection program afterwards. Your life is ruined."

After news that she was willing to testify against Clinton leaked out, Willey says that the threats and harassment got so bad that she began to fear for her life.

"I hesitate to say that because a lot of times when you get caught up in something people look at you and they hear what your saying and they think you're making it up or you're just crazy -- because they can't imagine these things happening to anybody. (But) I was frightened. I was very, very, very frightened."

Willey told Gallagher that, like Paula Jones, she had recently received an offer to pose nude for money, a coincidence which may be part of an orchestrated campaign to discredit Clinton's sex accusers.

"We had a phone call here from a gentlemen, I can't even remember his name. But he claimed to broker these deals for Playboy and Penthouse.... He promised that any kind of a layout would be according to my wishes. And it would be very classy, blah, blah, blah."

"My husband picked up the phone -- I just recently got married -- well, my husband was furious. He told him not to ever call again and we would never consider it for any amount of money."

Willey said she was disappointed in Jones for accepting a similar offer because it would hurt her credibility. The president's defenders, "will be the first ones to say that," she added. "This is what they love to see."

Compounding the first lady's predicament, on Sunday Clinton rape accuser Juanita Broaddrick joined Willey in trying to warn New Yorkers about her.

In an open letter first published by the Drudge Report, Broaddrick recalled meeting Hillary just weeks after her husband had allegedly raped her.

"As soon as you entered the room, you came directly to me and grabbed my hand," Broaddrick wrote.

"Do you remember how you thanked me, saying, 'We want to thank you for everything that you do for Bill'..... What did you mean, Hillary? Were you referring to my keeping quiet about the assault I had suffered at the hands of your husband only two weeks before? Were you warning me to keep quiet? We both know the answer to that question."

"You are the same Hillary that you were twenty years ago.... cold, calculating and self serving.... I only hope the voters of New York will wake up in time and realize that Hillary Clinton is not an honorable or honest person."

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