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Clintons to Flip Westchester Property Whitewater-style
Published: 12/4/00

Not since Bill and Hillary Clinton teamed up with Whitewater's Jim and Susan McDougal have two public officials contemplated pulling off such a daring land flip heist in broad daylight. But if New York Post gossip columinist Neal Travis is right (and he usually is), the Clintons' Chappaqua home is about to get the Castle Grande treatment, with a super sized jackpot at the end of the real estate rainbow for D.C.s most notorious power couple.

Travis says the buzz at Sunday night's Kennedy Center Honors gala was that the first family is putting the seldom used 10 Old House Lane property on the market. "The Clintons never even got around to having 'hard wired' security installed because they wouldn't be there that long," he adds. Here's the plan, which should sound more than a little familiar to those who recall how Hillary turned a modest six figure investment in Castle Grande into a $4 million bonanza for Webb Hubbell's father-in-law:

"You get yourself elected, find a place in D.C. and shake the dust of Chappaqua off your sensible flat shoes," says Travis. "As a bonus, one of your well-heeled pals buys the mansion at a huge premium, giving you a fat profit. (Even a stranger would pay a bonus to boast that he lives in a house once -- albeit briefly -- occupied by the first family.)"

A source in Chappaqua tells that Travis is right on the money -- and that the Clintons actually put their New York "home" up for sale just three days after Hillary won her Senate seat.

HENCH adds: As predicted here months ago. They will never live there, they'll live in D.C. She only bought the house so she could buy a Senate seat.

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