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Gore FINALLY Concedes
Wednesday, Dec. 13, 2000 9:06 p.m. EST

Al Gore conceded tonight to President-elect Bush.

"I offer my concession," Gore said in a nationally televised speech.

He sniped at the U.S. Supreme Court decision Tuesday night that doomed his weeks-long refusal to admit his defeat. "While I strongly disagree with the court, I accept it."

He offered to meet with Bush and help heal the wounds his long refusal to concede has caused the nation.

"As to what I'll do next, I don't know yet." He said he would spend time mending fences in his home state, Tennessee, which cost him the presidency by voting for Bush.

Gore said he regretted not being able to "fight for the American people" over the next four years.

"It's time for me to go," Gore said toward the end of his brief speech.

HENCH adds: "It's time for me to go." First thing Al and I have EVER agreed on!

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