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Source: NewsMax
Published: Dec. 19, 2000 Author: Christopher Ruddy

Exclusive: Hillary Flees Chappaqua's Spying Neighbors

Hillary and Bill Clinton are putting their Chappaqua, N.Y., home for sale because their neighbors have them under 24-hour video surveillance, has learned.

Sources at some of America's most notorious supermarket tabloids reveal that the papers have more than one camera trained on the house and monitor activity and guests around the clock.

"We usually have to pay neighbors to spy on their celebrity neighbors, but in the Clintons' case we even had volunteers who wanted to do it for free," one newspaper source bragged.

"The Clintons had no idea they moved into a neighborhood full of Republicans who don't like them," the source said. Tabloid publishing sources that both Clintons have always been worried about press surveillance, but Hillary has become even more worried because of her new position as a U.S. senator, and the fact that the tabloids have discovered she is a big seller at the supermarket checkout racks.

Property 'Flip'

Stories about the Clintons selling their suburban New York home first surfaced in the New York Post. According to New York Post gossip columnist Neal Travis, the gossip at a Dec. 3 Kennedy Center Honors gala was that the Clintons put the seldom-lived-in house at 15 Old House Lane on the market.

"The Clintons never even got around to having 'hard wired' security installed because they wouldn't be there that long," Travis wrote.

The scenario goes something like this, Travis said: "You get yourself elected, find a place in D.C. and shake the dust of Chappaqua off your sensible flat shoes," says Travis. "As a bonus, one of your well-heeled pals buys the mansion at a huge premium, giving you a fat profit. (Even a stranger would pay a bonus to boast that he lives in a house once – albeit briefly – occupied by the first family.)"

And our source in Chappaqua says that Travis is right on the money, that the Clintons actually put their New York "home" up for sale barely three days after Hillary won her Senate seat.

The classic "flip" real estate transaction is no stranger for the Clintons. They were accused of doing just that in their infamous Arkansas Whitewater land partnership deal.The Clintons' "residence" in Chappaqua has been controversial despite its brevity. Terry McAuliffe, the president's leading fund-raiser, offered to finance the $1.7 million purchase but had to withdraw amid a storm of public criticism.

The first family bought the house, 40 miles north of Manhattan, in the fall of 1999 and "moved in" in January.

With Chappaqua soon to be history, has learned that the Clintons are indeed planning to find new digs in Manhattan. A source close to Clinton pal Vernon Jordan reports that the Clintons already have a luxurious Central Park West apartment at their disposal.

With her purse already fattened by a whopping $8 million advance from Simon & Schuster for a book she hasn’t yet written, plus the tidy profit over and above the amount they paid for the New York house, Hillary will be well able to foot the bill for some exclusive properties.

Already a Washington real estate agent reveals that the Clintons are considering a place like Georgetown’s stately $4.5 million Auchincloss House or one of the $5,000-plus-a-month rentals in Washington’s more upscale neighborhoods.

New Tabloid Queen

No matter where the Clintons move, privacy is sure to be of paramount importance. During the eight years of the Clinton administration, Bill Clinton's activities made great press copy.

But the entertainment media, especially the tabloids, have discovered a bonanza with Hillary.

"Hillary is our new Lady Di," a tabloid insider explained, referring to the perennial sales success with Lady Diana on the cover. In the past two months, Hillary has appeared on the cover of almost every tabloid.

One cover story alleging a lesbian affair turned out to be one of the all-time best sellers for the tabloid business, a source said.

HENCH adds: I hope they keep covering her when the wheels of justice FINALLY catch up with the Witch.

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